Bot Nuker

  • Bot Information

    Gives you information about the current bot.

    • Bot Username
    • Bot ID
    • Application ID
    • Avatar URL
    • Time Created
  • Channel Creator

    Creates channels in a specific server.

    • Server ID
    • Channel Name
    • Amount
    • Append Number
  • Channel Deletor

    Deletes ALL channels in a server.

    • Server ID
  • Channel Spammer

    Spamms each channel in the server X amount of times with your message.

    • Server ID
    • Message
    • Iterations
  • Server Rename

    Renames a server to your liking.

    • Server ID
    • Name
  • Mass DM

    Sends a message via the bot to each member of the server. You can exclude Admins if you like.

    • Server ID
    • Exclude Admins
    • Message
  • Create Invite

    Creates an invite for you to invite the bot to your or someone elses server.

Discord House Changer

  • Single

    Changes the Discord HypeSquad house of a single token to the chosen house.

    • Token
    • HypeSquad (Bravery, Brilliance, Balance)
  • Multi

    Changes the Discord HypeSquad house of multiple tokens to the chosen house.

    • Token Type (Normal, One Month, Three Months)
    • Amount of Tokens
    • HypeSquad (Bravery, Brilliance, Balance)
  • Random

    Changes the Discord HypeSquad house of multiple tokens to a random house.

    • Token Type (Normal, One Month, Three Months)
    • Amount of Tokens

Proxy Manager

  • Add proxies

    Loads proxies into dBrain.

    • From File
      • File Path
  • Delete Proxies

    Deletes Proxies from dBrain.

    • Amount
  • Check Proxies

    Check Proxies if they are valid.

    • All Proxies
    • Single Proxy
      • Proxy URL
      • Port
  • Remove Duplicates

    Goes through all proxies and removes the duplicates.

  • Reload Proxies

    Clears the proxy list and loads them again from the local dBrain proxy storage.


  • Mass Report (Server Message)

    Mass Reports a message on a server. This automatically cycles through all tokens in the token storage.

    • Type of Reports (Illegal Content, Harassment, Spam or Phishing, Self Harm, NSWF Content)
    • Server ID
    • Channel ID
    • Message ID
    • Iterations
    • Use Proxies

Proxy Manager

  • Add Tokens

    Loads tokens into dBrain.

    • Type Of Tokens (Normal, One Month, Three Months)
    • File Location
  • Delete Tokens

    Deletes tokens from dBrain.

    • Type Of Tokens (Normal, One Month, Three Months)
    • Amount
  • Check Tokens

    Check tokens if they are valid.

    • Type Of Tokens (Normal, One Month, Three Months)
  • Remove Duplicates

    Goes through all tokens and removes the duplicates.

  • Reload Tokens

    Clears the token list and loads them again from the local dBrain token storage.

Token Onliner

  • Static

    Sets the online status of the given tokens to the chosen activity & online status.

    • Amount of Tokens
    • Game/Activity
    • Type (Playing, Streaming, Listening, Watching)
    • Status (Online, DnD, Idle)
  • Random

    Sets the online status of the given tokens to a random activity & online status.

    • Amount of Tokens

Webhook Utils

  • Webhook Info

    Gives you all of the information about a webhook you can get.

    • Webhook URL
  • Webhook Deletor

    Deletes a Discord webhook completely.

    • Webhook URL
  • Webhook Spammer

    Spamms a Webhook with your message, your name, your avatar and more!

    • Webhook URL
    • Webhook Name
    • Webhook Avatar (link/none)
    • Webhook Message
    • Webhook Delay (ms)
    • Amount of Messages